Ayahuasca Retreats

Ayahuasca is confronting, there’s no way around that fact. She is the Queen of the jungle. She is the Mother of ALL Plants. That’s a pretty powerful Mama to hold that role.

You will have an experience IN ceremony and one OUTSIDE the Ayahuasca ceremony that will challenge you, test you and make you confront the things you have been avoiding. She keeps working on you for the days, weeks, months and years afterwards.


You get what you need. Not what you want.

She will test you. She will make you do hard things that are ultimately for your beautiful transformation. She will rub your sharp edges against your friends and families sharp edges. She will expose your weaknesses and your dark edgy corners (that you pretend aren’t there) to help you love and accept those parts of you deem unloveable or unworthy.

She will break down the protection and armor and melt patterns of depression, anxiety and fear like a hot knife through butter. It is the perfect experience created just for you. She knows the blue print of your soul and scans your energetic body to see what you need right now. Of course, you have free will. It is ultimately up to you if you wish to transform.

This is just a glimpse of what she can do. To try to define her is impossible. Every experience is different and unique to each person. As we say, “you get what you need. Not what you want.”


Ayahuasca is a Calling.

Ayahuasca is not a magic pill. She is not going to solve all your problems for you. You will still have to learn the lesson.

We operate from the belief that everyone is already whole and complete. The work is to peel away the layers of armor and protection and help to open the heart.

Ayahuasca is not for everyone. It is a CALLING. She will call you if this is something you are to experience. She is a medicine. Not a drug. She has been used for 1000s of years in the Amazon for healing.

Our retreats are for those who seek spiritual self-realization with humility and respect for Madre Ayahuasca, Mother Earth and all living creatures. Our retreats create a meaningful base of self-love, self-trust, and self-power. You are your own guru. We welcome the messiness and fallible human experience.


“I attended an Aya retreat in Peru with Denise and Cesar in November 2022. It’s hard to properly describe the love, care and compassion they offer as spiritual guides. The retreat was easily the most impactful and transformational week of my life, and Denise and Cesar are absolute guardian angels with their wisdom and guidance through a very challenging but rewarding process. 

Successfully facing the deepest questions of your own existence shouldn't be taken lightly, and I know without their guidance I wouldn't have been able to experience the incredible benefits that I have. Their focus is healing, not anything else, and that laser focus fosters the transformation. 

Denise and Cesar, along with the 5 other incredible souls that I got to share this week with will truly be with me forever. 

In addition to the Aya ceremonies (which are conducted with the greatest respect and reverence) are supported by deep meditation, breathwork and other ceremonial and healing practices to really supplement the power of the medicine and ensure one is fully prepared for the journey. 

The level of thought and preparation that went into this week is incredible and demonstrates again what trust one should have in Denise and Cesar. They seek to understand you, your needs and handle that responsibility with the greatest of care. 

In addition to all that, the retreat center is incredible, in the heart of the sacred valley. Beauty and wonder surrounds and massively enhances the experience. If the medicine is calling, and you are ready, I cannot recommend D&C highly enough.”

~ Domenic Marinelli


Our Vision.

It took us 6 years to create a webpage for our Ayahuasca Retreats. We took our time because we wanted to be mindful and respectful of the medicine. We didn’t want to fall into the trap of making Madre Ayahuasca a machine and cranking out retreats and participants like an assembly line. We have learned that things with medicine are best when allowed to unfold at the pace of nature; slow and natural. There’s no need to force or push.

Our path with Ayahuasca is very sacred to us. She is a living being. We understand that this is a relationship with a divine spirit and it takes patience to cultivate. Although we have each been walking our medicine path for over a decade, we will always have the beginner’s mind, understanding that we will always be learning.

Our vision is to create a safe, loving and supportive container of healing rooted in empowering people to find their own connection to Spirit. To awaken within each person their own unique medicine, so they may weave their gifts into the world. We like to keep things real and grounded. Allowing people to feel their feelings without judgment or bypassing. We embrace the messiness of life!

Serving medicine is our offering to Pachamama (Mother Earth) and humanity. It is our deepest prayer from our hearts.

Sign-up for our upcoming Ayahuasca retreats.

Why Choose Us?


Trained Facilitators

We each have over 10 years of experience with Ayahuasca. We have lived in Peru for over a decade and continually invest in learning new healing modalities.

Intimate Groups

We limit our group size to just 15 participants in our Ayahuasca retreats so each person receives personalized attention and care throughout the retreat.


Ayni is a Quechua word that means “reciprocity.” We make it a regular practice to give back to the Earth.

Sacred Container

We strive to create an atmosphere of love, respect and compassion so everyone feels safe and supported.

Beautiful Location

All of our Ayahuasca retreats are held in stunning locations in the heart of nature. Each retreat center is geared toward supporting Ayahuasca retreats.

Delicious Meals

All meals are vegetarian. Prepared by chefs who infuse love and prayer into each dish. Local, organic ingredients are used whenever possible.

Magical Accommodations

We hand select “off the beaten path” retreat centers that are magical with comfortable, unique rooms. You will have warm beds and hot showers.

Trusted Medicine

We have been working with our brewmaster for 10 years. It is a trusted source with only Ayahuasca vine and Chacruna leaf in the brew.


“The way Cesar and Denise held space during tough processes is remarkable. The compassion, care and gentleness in spirit demonstrates their devotion to aiding in healing. They didn’t cut/run when processes proved difficult, instead stood quietly & encouragingly by with a myriad of methods to assist. This showed the depth of their experience and willingness to share it. I am truly grateful to have experienced this with them, memories that will stay with me for a lifetime.” ~ Denise Cool

Application for Ayahuasca Ceremony.

Please fill out an application. We need to make sure it is safe and healthy for each person to participate.